
Welcome to our health and wellness page! Here you will find more information about our national-award-winning health and wellness program - The Healthy Frog - as well as resources for healthy eating, navigating dining with dietary needs, and more!

For any questions related to navigating dining with dietary needs, please email dining@tcu.edu

TCU Dining Wins Gold for NACUFS Health & Wellness Awards

TCU Dining is taking home the gold for both the 2024 Most Innovative Wellness and Nutrition Program and the Outstanding Outreach and Education Award by the National Association of College & University Food Services (NACUFS) for their Allergy-Friendly Bake-Off and Chef Crafted with Care cooking class programs, respectively.

Both programs are part of The Healthy Frog program, a holistic health and wellness program created by the students, for the students. The Healthy Frog program focuses on providing the knowledge, skills, and resources students need to lead their healthiest lives through education, events, and one-on-one counseling with the Campus Dietitian.

To earn the NACUFS Nutrition Award, the TCU Dining team hosted a campus-wide allergy-friendly bake-off event where 30 TCU nutrition students competed to create the best dessert free from 9 of the top allergens to be featured at the NACUFS-winning allergen-free dining location Magnolias Zero 7. While the bake-off was a new event, the collaboration with TCU’s Department of Nutritional Sciences has been providing students with hands-on experience in mass food production, health and wellness education, and marketing for almost 20 years.

One of the greatest impacts of the bake-off competition, and the longstanding collaboration with the TCU nutrition department as a whole, is the legacy of investing in students’ futures. TCU Dining’s Campus Dietitian, Maddie Jacobs, MS, RD, LD, started the internship that eventually led to her role as Campus Dietitian following her involvement with this partnership.

In addition to the nutrition award, TCU Dining was also awarded the gold Outstanding Outreach and Education Program award for their Chef Crafted with Care cooking class with TCU’s Chancellor’s Scholars.

Jointly coordinated by the TCU Dining and TCU Catering teams and hosted by Campus Dietitian Maddie Jacobs, Executive Culinary Director Michael Smith, and Executive Chef of Resident Dining Connor Green, the class provided participants with culinary skills and nutrition education that built confidence in the kitchen and empowered them to make healthy decisions as they enter into a stage of newfound independence as college students.

In a culminating challenge to apply all their newfound knowledge and skills, at the end of the class, the students also had the opportunity to create their own customized gelato which was featured at the new student-led dining concept Al Moro, allowing the students to step into the roles of TCU Dining leadership and help to build a dining program representative of their fellow Horned Frogs.

Whether it be through a bake-off or cooking class, the TCU Dining team considers student wellness to be paramount, and these programs illustrate their dedication to fostering student success in college and beyond. By giving students the opportunity to be actively involved in their dining program, the TCU Dining team helps to build lifelong skills and to create a program unequivocally by the students, for the students.

Almost 20 years ago the TCU Department of Nutritional Sciences decided to provide their students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in mass food production. Fast forward to today and this partnership with TCU Dining remains an instrumental part of these future dietitians’ career development. Check out this video to learn more about how this partnership has evolved over time to provide students with the skills they need to be successful in their future careers!

Over the past few years, TCU Dining has hosted multiple Farmer’s Markets in the TCU Commons where students can sample fresh produce from local farms, connect with local businesses, and learn more dining options on campus. Click here to learn more!

Spring 2024 Farmer’s Market Booths

Kickstart Your Wellness Journey at TCU – Check out our recommended fitness classes and dining options on campus to help kickstart your wellness journey at TCU!

Brain Boosting Mocktails – Check out our mocktail recipes featuring brain-boosting ingredients and tips from our Recovery Allies in honor of National Recovery Month!

Dopamine Menu – Menu takeover at Market Square featuring foods for mental health!

Follow @thehealthyfrog on Instagram for dorm-friendly recipes, nutrition tips, and featured healthy on-campus dining options!

Chef Crafted with Care: Mexican-Inspired Cookbook

Allergy-Friendly Dessert Cookbook – Recipes created by TCU nutrition students during Ms. Mae’s Allergy-Free Bake-Off inspired by Ms. Mae, creator of the national-award-winning Magnolias Zero 7 desserts.

Immune-Boosting Mocktails Recipe Book

Allergy-Friendly Valentine’s Dinner Cookbook

Chef Crafted with Care: Mediterranean-Inspired Cookbook

Student-Approved Italian-Inspired Cookbook – These recipes have been tested and modified by TCU Chancellor’s Scholars during their Chef Crafted with Care cooking class!

Chef Crafted with Care: Thai-Inspired Cookbook

Horned Frog Harvest Farm-to-Fork Cookbook

Chancellors Scholars Cooking Class – Thai Inspired

For nutrition facts, ingredients, and allergen information, download the Everyday App. If you have questions about ingredients or allergens at any dining location, please ask for a manager or supervisor to assist you.

Dietitian Picks – Featured on-campus dining options to promote health and wellness recommended by our Campus Dietitian. Also, check out the Dietitian Picks for the new The Shoppe at Wright!

Follow @thehealthyfrog on Instagram for dorm-friendly recipes, nutrition tips, and featured healthy on-campus dining options!

We care about your health and safety, which is why we have standardized food safety protocols in place for every step in our operation – from delivery through service.


Time and Temperature Controls

  • Time and temperature control standards are in place from delivery through service – this ensures that cold food stays cold and hot food stays hot.
  • All food temperatures are monitored routinely while cooking and serving. Anything that does not meet temperature regulations is discarded immediately.
  • All meat products are heated to safe internal temperatures according to health department standards before serving.


Certifications and Inspections

  • All our managers and supervisors are Servsafe Certified by the National Restaurant Association.
  • All our staff members maintain Texas Food Handler Certifications.
  • External health department inspections are conducted twice per year and another internal health and safety audit is conducted annually.
  • All meat products are heated to safe internal temperatures according to health department standards before serving.


Safety and Sanitation

  • The dining hall and serving areas are cleaned and sanitized multiple times per day by dedicated staff.
  • Staff are required to change gloves and wash their hands whenever they switch tasks – such as between preparing chicken and salad.
  • All dishes and serving equipment are washed and sanitized after each use.


For more information about our safety and sanitation protocols, please email dining@tcu.edu or call 817-257-7283.